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National and international members of the Thirty Percent Coalition work to increase diversity in corporate boardrooms and senior leadership. Coalition members include a unique mix of over 90 institutional investors, state treasurers, private equity firms, corporate and professional services firms, individuals, and advocacy groups. By working together, our members reinforce their own efforts, share best practices, learn from one another, and have greater power to change the composition of US boardrooms.
The Coalition seeks collaborative partnerships where each party works toward the common goal of increased boardroom diversity. We encourage engagement through participation in our working groups and through attendance at our bi-annual meetings to benefit from significant networking and interaction with other Coalition members. Annual membership contributions support our programs, and some members contribute at sponsor levels beyond membership dues to further support the Coalition.
Over the past decade, the Coalition has grown from a handful of investors to a national forum that facilitates unique collaboration among its members. This forum enables members to amplify their engagement with companies and scale their impact beyond their portfolio companies.
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