Our Work

The Thirty Percent Coalition provides a national forum for members to collaborate and share investor-driven strategies to create more demand for diverse candidates on corporate boards and in senior leadership. These strategies create more demand for diverse candidates on corporate boards and in senior leadership. We provide opportunities for members to communicate, share ideas and insights, learn best practices and work together as peers. Through coordination of our members, we create solutions and strategies that increase racial, ethnic, and gender diverse participation on corporate boards. Working together helps us all multiply our influence.

Our Impact

To date, the Coalition and its members have worked tirelessly on the following campaigns and initiatives:

  • Championed a multiyear “Adopt a Company” campaign with our institutional investors that influenced more than 500 public companies to appoint a woman to their boards, many for the first time.
  • Served as a catalyst and powerful alliance for regional investor diversity efforts that work with the Coalition in a complementary way, such as the Midwest and Northeast Diversity Initiatives and the California Investors Group.
  • Provided a robust clearinghouse for our diverse members by coordinating efforts, sharing insights, learning from each other, and working together to create solutions and strategies for change.
  • Created tailored committees and initiatives – including institutional investors, private equity, and corporate leaders – to share best practices, build relationships, and connect with resources that help build diverse company boards.
  • Advocated for legislative and regulatory policies that encourage board diversity, met with SEC commissioners on specific topics and encouraged congressional hearings about board diversity.

Championed A Multiyear “Adopt A Company” Campaign With Our Institutional Investors That Influenced More Than 500 Public Companies To Appoint A Woman To Their Boards, Many For The First Time.

Convened Sub-Groups Within Our Membership – Including Institutional Investors, Private Equity And Corporate Leaders. The Goal Of These Groups Is To Share Best Practices, Build Relationships And Connect With Resources That Help Build Diverse Company Boards.

Served As A Catalyst And Alliance For Regional Investor Diversity Efforts To Work With The Coalition In A Complementary Way, Such As The Midwest And Northeast Diversity Initiatives And The California Investors Group.

Advocated For Legislative And Regulatory Policies That Encourage Board Diversity, Met With SEC Commissioners On Specific Topics And Encouraged Congressional Hearings About Board Diversity.
Provided A Clearinghouse For Our Diverse Members By Coordinating Efforts, Sharing Insights, Learning From Each Other And Working Together To Create Solutions And Strategies For Change.
In 2011, The Thirty Percent Coalition Was The First Organization To Officially Establish The Goal Of 30% Female Representation Across Public Company Boards. In 2012, We Began To Share The Business Case For Diversity, Noting The High Correlation Between Gender Diversity In The Boardroom And Company Performance.

Adopt a Company

Championed a multiyear "Adopt a Company" campaign with our institutional investors that influenced more than 500 public companies to appoint a woman to their boards, many for the first time.

Investor Subgroups

Convened sub-groups within our membership – including institutional investors, private equity and corporate leaders. The goal of these groups is to share best practices, build relationships and connect with resources that help build diverse company boards.

Regional Initiatives

Served as a catalyst and alliance for regional investor diversity efforts to work with the Coalition in a complementary way, such as the Midwest and Northeast Diversity Initiatives and the California Investors Group.

Regulatory Policies

Advocated for legislative and regulatory policies that encourage board diversity, met with SEC commissioners on specific topics and encouraged congressional hearings about board diversity.

Member Support

Provided a clearinghouse for our diverse members by coordinating efforts, sharing insights, learning from each other and working together to create solutions and strategies for change.

Pioneering Advocacy

In 2011, the Thirty Percent Coalition was the first organization to officially establish the goal of 30% female representation across public company boards. In 2012, we began to share the business case for diversity, noting the high correlation between gender diversity in the boardroom and company performance.

The Work Ahead

The Thirty Percent Coalition launched with the goal to increase female representation on corporate boards to 30%. At that time, women made up only 12% of corporate board leaders. Now, the business case for board diversity is widely accepted, as evidence consistently demonstrates the compelling correlation between board diversity and improved shareholder value and company performance.

Women have also made progress in the boardroom. Among companies making up the Russell 3000 index, women now represent nearly 30% of board seats. Almost half of new board placements are women.

While much has been accomplished, much work remains. Although Black, Latino, and Asian professionals are making progress on corporate boards and in senior leadership, they continue to be significantly underrepresented compared to the wealth of talent and the overall population.

The Coalition provides a critical platform to accelerate change. As we build on the work and diversity progress that’s been made, we will continue to provide a forum where members can create practical, meaningful solutions to increase racial, ethnic and gender diverse participation on corporate boards.

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